Apple - Apple Pay PASMO - Apple Pay Suica - Apple Pay Transit - Apple Watch - iPhone - PASMO - Reader Question - Suica - Suica App - Transit

Reader Question: what’s the point of Apple Pay My Suica?

A reader asked a very good question: what’s the point of an Apple Pay My Suica? Can’t you already migrate a normal ‘unregistered’ Suica to another device if you loose your device? There are 3 basic Suica plastic card categories: unregistered, registered (My Suica) and commuter. PASMO and all other […]

Apple - Apple Pay + Wallet - Apple Pay Suica - Apple Pay Transit - Apple Watch - CASHLESS - EMV - iPhone - MIFARE - Mobile Payments - NFC - NFC tags - NFC-Felica - PASMO - QR Code Payments - Suica - Suica App - Touchless

Apple Pay PASMO and the transit IC card rush to mobile

Mobile PASMO was announced in January 2020, launched on Android Osaifu Keitai in March and will land on Apple Pay with the iOS 14 update this fall. As early as April Apple was already dropping hints that Apple Pay PASMO was on the way. 9 months is a quick turnaround […]

Apple - Apple Pay Suica - Apple Pay Transit - CASHLESS - FeliCa - Mobile Payments - NFC - NFC tags - PASMO - Suica - Suica App - Touchless - Transit

Road to Super Suica: cloud integration

Mobile Suica Shinkansen eTicket service via Suica App ended in March 2020, replaced by the cloud based JR East Eki-net Shinkansen eTicket service. Since Mobile Suica Shinkansen is gone and Ekinet eTickets live on the cloud, I assumed that iOS 14 PassKit would remove the Mobile Suica Shinkansen related (isInShinkansenStation) […]