Mobile Payments

Reality Checking the Western Myth of Japanese Cash Addiction

Myths die hard, especially Western Japanese myths. Mostly because somebody doesn’t want them to. They are the proverbial rice bowl of hack foreign journalists who can’t be bothered doing research, or acknowledging changing times. Far too easy to spin the same old comforting myths for western readers. Comforting because it […]

Mobile Payments

New Suica System to aid Noto Earthquake Evacuees

JR East announced they will distribute 18,000 Suica cards to all Noto Earthquake evacuees at all evacuation centers. The request came from Ishikawa Prefecture via the Japanese Digital Agency because they have a problem. Evacuees move from center to center, or stay will relatives going to evacuee centers as needed […]

Mobile Payments

iOS 17.4 Apple Host Card Emulation

Apple has finally given their answer to EU demands (and now USA demands) for ‘open NFC’: Apple HCE (Host Card Emulation). Basically this means that any payment provider/developer in the EU market, with the proper credentials, can use the iPhone NFC chip. But they cannot use the iPhone embedded secure […]