Apple - Apple Pay + Wallet - Apple Pay PASMO - Apple Pay Suica - Apple Wallet - Mobile Payments - NFC - QR Code Payments - Suica App

Recharge your recharge, the winner/loser debate doesn’t mean jack in the post-Apple Pay Japanese payments market

I love articles like this one. It’s fun examining how the writer, freelancer Meiko Homma, takes old news bits, worn-out arguments and weaves them into a ‘new’ narrative with a titillatingly hot title: “QR Code payments won the cashless race, Suica utterly defeated.” Her article trots out some QR Code […]

Apple - Apple Pay + Wallet - Apple Pay PASMO - Apple Pay Suica - Apple Wallet - iPhone - Mobile Payments - NFC - NFC-Felica - Suica

iOS 16 Wallet: expanding the Apple Pay experience, aka Suica auto-charge for the rest of us

iOS 15 added big new features to Wallet, expanding digital keys from cars to include home, office and hotels and ID in Wallet driver licenses for the first time. There were smaller but important UI changes too. A new add card screen offered new categories making is easy to add […]