CASHLESS - Mobile Payments - QR Code Payments

The open loop mobile connectivity challenge

The recent additions of stera transit (Visa-SMBC-Nippon Signal-QUADRAC) open loop test systems in Kyushu covering Fukuoka metro, Kuamamoto city transit and JR Kyushu expand the VISA Touch transit boutique deeper into western Japan territory. Open loop based cloud processing advocates like to portray these developments as proof that local processing […]

Apple - Apple Pay + Wallet - Apple Pay PASMO - Apple Pay Suica - Apple Wallet - Mobile Payments - NFC - QR Code Payments - Suica App

Recharge your recharge, the winner/loser debate doesn’t mean jack in the post-Apple Pay Japanese payments market

I love articles like this one. It’s fun examining how the writer, freelancer Meiko Homma, takes old news bits, worn-out arguments and weaves them into a ‘new’ narrative with a titillatingly hot title: “QR Code payments won the cashless race, Suica utterly defeated.” Her article trots out some QR Code […]

Apple - Apple Wallet - Mobile Payments - QR Code Payments

Apple Pay Enhanced Fraud Prevention

Apple Wallet VISA card users started receiving ‘Enhanced Fraud Prevention’ notifications on 2022-04-22 that outlined changes how Apple shares ‘fraud prevention assessments’ with payment card networks based on analyzed information from user Apple Pay transactions (purchase amount, currency, date, location, very likely more). The changes apply to Apple Pay in-app […]

Apple Pay Suica - FeliCa - QR Code Payments - Transit

The PASPY thing

PASPY announced today that PASPY transit IC card service ends March 2025. The official replacement has been announced, billed as the “the fist Account Based Ticketing system in Japan” (yeah right) and launches October 2024. Main PASPY operator Hiroshima Electric Railway Co.,Ltd. (Hiroden) has been thinking out loud since last […]